Friday, January 05, 2007

To Friday and New, Old Beginnings

Funny thing, coming back to something. Maybe you know the feeling. You come back home, and wonder how people will react, especially if there's something you'd rather not face that's happened in the off-period.

It's certainly nice when these people react well, though. Like they've actually missed you. It makes you wonder what all of the mental gymnastics were about. I'll be sure to pay it back, when I see someone I haven't run across in quite a while. I know now that they'll appreciate it.

On a less dramatic front, it was a bad night indeed for the Canadiens and the Red Wings. Nine straight goals conceded by the Wings. Wow.

The Habs are teetering on the brink of a slump, and a quick trip to the Hockey's Future message boards got me thinking my perpetual impending sense of doom relative to this team is a trait of "un mordu des Glorieux", rather than being just limited to my maladaptive psyche.

Happy Friday!

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