Sunday, January 07, 2007

Habs, Lakers, and the Anticipation in Glendale

This picture probably isn't fair, since Cristobal Huet has been playing VERY well for the Canadiens all season. That being said, times are pretty frustrating in Montréal just now, and the flu bug that has hit the club isn't making things any better. On top of that, the Bell Centre hosted back-to-back afternoon games this Saturday and Sunday where the Habs were disappointing losers 4-3 to the r@ngers, and 3-0 to the Devils. Two players were brought into the fold from the AHL club in Hamilton, and one of them, Mikhail Grabovski, was quite impressive. Things don't get any easier with Atlanta coming to town on Tuesday.

On a brighter note, it was a successful weekend for the LSSU Lakers, who tied and won at home against Nebraska-Omaha. This moved them above that team from ann arbor in the standings , and ties the Lakers for 3rd in the CCHA standings with 17 points.

Nationally, the stage is set for the OSU/florida showdown in Glendale. It's always interesting when your team is playing in a huge game against a team you can't stand. It's always great to beat 'em, and almost unbearable to lose against 'em. Here's hoping for something magical in Arizona....again.

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