Friday, January 26, 2007

Back to the Ice, Boys!

I suppose that coach Carbonneau must have thought the all-star break was sufficient rest, because the Canadiens players were greated with a tough 2-hour practice on Thursday as a "welcome home" present. Things get going again on Saturday in Toronto against the struggling Leafs, and the boys return home on Monday for a revenge match against the Sens. If you recall, the Senators beat the Habs 8-3 in Ottawa on Hockey Day In Canada. The Habs will be retiring Ken Dryden's #29 sweater that night, so let's hope for a great performance. Kenny certainly deserves nothing less.

As if that isn't enough, the Habs play 15 times in 28 days in February, which is going to be a challenge in itself. Here's hoping the break was a restful and recharging one.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Your blog is only about hockey lately. I'm bored.