Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Ciel Tombé!

It seems that, indeed, the sky is falling in Montréal. Four wins in the last 13 games, and no goals scored in the last 132 minutes and 30 seconds. This includes sound drubbings in the last 3 games by Ottawa (8-3), Detroit (2-0), and Vancouver (4-0). Things are definitely looking bad for the Habs, and this in a city that eats, sleeps, and drinks Canadiens hockey. I don't envy Guy Carbonneau at all right now.

So, what can he do to turn things around? He's tried skating them extra hard, resting them, benching them, even calling them out in the media. Nothing is working.

Perhaps the upcoming All-Star break is coming at just the right time for the team. The schedule has been admittedly brutal lately, with back-to-back games, afternoon games, and games against the hottest teams in the league (part in thanks to these games with the Habs). Problem is, there are still games away to Atlanta and home against the East-leading Sabres before the break.

C'mon Guy, get the boys moving. Don't ask me how, but I know you can do it.

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