Thursday, January 04, 2007

It's official, I'm back at OSU!

Today I started my new position at OSU, with all of the accompanying joys. Funny how, once you truly appreciate something, those little irritants are more worthy of a laugh than a @#&%! What irritants, you ask? It all started with a 25 minute ride on the campus bus from OSU's west campus lots. Then I got keys to the lab, and to the building, followed by a fruitless search for an entrance to the OSU library, where I was hoping to complete some more job applications. Apparently, it's been shuttered while renovations are ongoing. Three years. I swear to you, some significant percentage of OSU's campus has looked like this since I arrived in 2001. It's incredible.

Anyhow, I was able to complete some work tasks quickly, and thought I'd update this for the day. Ain't being connected to the outside world grand? Let me tell you, it is.

Oh, and let's all laugh at these guys. What are you lot ready for? Your 3rd manager in 6 months?? We officially have "le disastre" at "le ipox."

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