Sunday, February 11, 2007

Frustrating Saturday

I turned Waldorf down. And it's hard to swallow. Here's hoping some other offers come along.

Amongst other things, last night's important results were more than a little frustrating.

First, we attended the LSSU vs. Miami game in Oxford. What a beautiful arena! And what complete jerks for fans. Been to Yost lately, folks? They were doing your out-dated, unsportsmanlike bullcrap 10 years ago. It sucked then, and it still sucks now. I hope you lose in your first playoff round. Oh wait, you will.....because you always do. And I'll laugh. Jerks. Bad first 45 minutes of the game by the Lakers, and an outstanding last 15. And, oh what a brilliant goal by Troy Schwab to pull the Lakers within 1. Final score Miami 3 LSSU 2.

Up in Montréal the Habs lost their 3rd straight, and 2nd straight to the ottawa senators by a 5-3 score. Ray Emery, goaltender for the senators, tried to take the head off of Maxim Lapierre with a slash during the game, and then challenged Lapierre to a fight. Silly goaltender, don't you know that fighting is for real hockey players? The sens shall henceforth be added to the list of teams to lose the honor of having their name capitalized, and may be referred to as "that team from the small settlement upriver." And Ray Emery???? I hate.

Kentucky kept it close in a game against florida (no capital letter - see?), but any loss to this collection of trailer-park living, gator-jerky eating bunch of mouth breathing rednecks is bad.

Hopefully this coming week will be less frustrating, and not just in the sports world.


Skeptical Paragon said...

I suggest that you look into Ray Emery's AHL history, or better yet do a Youtube search for visual evidence of him destroying opposing players (yes, non-goalies as well) in fights. He hasn't yet dropped the gloves in the NHL, but it is only a matter of time.

I would argue that Lapierre was lucky that he managed to skate away as fast as he did.

Chris Fink said...

Well, he got his quota I'd say. Two fights against the Sabres in one game?

Still, one has to wonder WHY he chose to be a goalie if he loves fighting so much. It's not as if the chances keep coming around for goalies to get 'er going.