Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Buffalo........ *sigh*

After returning from our trip to Canisius College in Buffalo, I am feeling a bit down. Why, you ask?

It was one of the best places I've been, and I'm not there now.

What makes such a place so great? People, food, surrounding natural beauty, people, great living standards, people, good department, people. Here are many of the places that we visited during our stay.

Our Hotel - the Lord Amherst

Niagara Falls
Inniskillin Winery
City of Niagara On The Lake
Anchor Bar (original home of Buffalo Wings)

Original Pancake House
Butterwood Desserts
Cole's Restaurant

Canisius College (GO GRIFFS!)
Eagle House Restaurant

I loved it here.

I'll keep everyone posted on how the job process goes.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Day at the Falls

Yes indeed....God is good. This was taken today at Niagara Falls. We had an absolutely wonderful day, and I just thought I'd end it by posting this picture.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Buffalo here we come!!!

Habs won, and it was brilliant. Sorry there hasn't been much action on this blog since the game last Sunday...I have been getting ready for interviews and classes.

Now we're in Buffalo, getting ready for an interview on Monday with Canisius College. I am looking forward to finding more about what this program is like, and if it's a good fit. I hope to provide more updates as the weekend and interview progress.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Habs Day in Columbus

Today is the day! The Habs are in Columbus, and my wife was SO kind to buy us tickets to see them play.

They've been crap lately, true crap....but I don't care. I'm ready. PLUS - the recently called-up
Jaroslav Halák will be in nets, which makes the focus on the game even greater back in Montréal.

We have to start the winning streak sometime, right? Tonight sounds good to me :)

Updates later.......

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Frustrating Saturday

I turned Waldorf down. And it's hard to swallow. Here's hoping some other offers come along.

Amongst other things, last night's important results were more than a little frustrating.

First, we attended the LSSU vs. Miami game in Oxford. What a beautiful arena! And what complete jerks for fans. Been to Yost lately, folks? They were doing your out-dated, unsportsmanlike bullcrap 10 years ago. It sucked then, and it still sucks now. I hope you lose in your first playoff round. Oh wait, you will.....because you always do. And I'll laugh. Jerks. Bad first 45 minutes of the game by the Lakers, and an outstanding last 15. And, oh what a brilliant goal by Troy Schwab to pull the Lakers within 1. Final score Miami 3 LSSU 2.

Up in Montréal the Habs lost their 3rd straight, and 2nd straight to the ottawa senators by a 5-3 score. Ray Emery, goaltender for the senators, tried to take the head off of Maxim Lapierre with a slash during the game, and then challenged Lapierre to a fight. Silly goaltender, don't you know that fighting is for real hockey players? The sens shall henceforth be added to the list of teams to lose the honor of having their name capitalized, and may be referred to as "that team from the small settlement upriver." And Ray Emery???? I hate.

Kentucky kept it close in a game against florida (no capital letter - see?), but any loss to this collection of trailer-park living, gator-jerky eating bunch of mouth breathing rednecks is bad.

Hopefully this coming week will be less frustrating, and not just in the sports world.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Random Thoughts on a Friday in February

Just some random oddities floating around in my head this morning:

- Why, when you want something, is it always such a waiting game?

- I'm back to believing that not pursuing a business degree was certainly the right choice.

- Waking up feeling unbearably anxious is not one of my favorite things.

- The Habs need to pick it up. Now.

- I'm not working as hard as most people do on their research.

- How have I gotten this lucky thus far?

A happy weekend to you - we'll be taking in a Laker Hockey game against Miami at the new arena in Oxford on Saturday, which should be fun. C'mon boys!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Decisions, decisions.....

Well, Waldorf offered. It's a great place, with fantastic people.

But I can't make the decision this quickly. Too many irons in the fire....pots on the stove....skates on the ice....whatever.

Some consistency from Buffalo would be nice, too.


Delaware (OH).....



North Carolina....


I think I'm going to sit down now. More to come later.

Monday, February 05, 2007

What a Day!

This is a picture of a Bald Eagle that we saw sitting just outside the dining room of The Lodge, where we stayed in Forest City, IA. Julie spotted it, and took this picture. VERY cool.

What a day yesterday! Colts win! Habs win in overtime, and it came down to a mistake by perpetual whine-bag Sidney Crosby! Even Celtic got into the act by beating Livingston (zzzzzzz) in the 4th round of the Scottish Cup.

In other news, I've made it 'till payday (with a lot of help from Julie), and I gotta say - it's nice to be able to contribute.

This should be an interesting week, given the decision that should be coming from Waldorf, and my waiting for the other positions to update me.

And today, well, today is very big indeed. This marks 2 years ago that I met Julie. THAT was a great day.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

This is a "Shout-out" to my wife Julie!

Now, we had a great time in Forest City, despite high temperatures below zero. The folks at Waldorf College were great, and we got to really appreciate small-town life in the area. We also visited several great sites around "The Cities" (Minneapolis/St. Paul).

These included:
- The Cathedral of St. Paul
- Lowertown St. Paul
- Midtown Global Market in Minneapolis
- The American Swedish Institute in Minneapolis
- Mall of America
- IKEA Twin Cities

Who knows if we'll end up there, but we did enjoy our time.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Off to Iosota!

Just checking in briefly....we're off to Iosota today (where Iowa and Minnesota meet). Clever, eh? I made that up myself. Bet you'd have never guessed.

It's interview time at Waldorf College - so I'll be teaching a bit, chatting up the faculty, and generally having a good look about. And of course missing the Habs game tonight in Pittsburgh. Horrors!

Nervous? Yes.
Excited? Very.
Know what to expect? Not at all.

Wish us luck!