Thursday, March 08, 2007

Griffins and Bishops and Time....Oh My!

So the interview with Wesleyan is now complete, as well. It was good. VERY good. Unexpectedly good.

I REALLY feel great about it, and a decision from them is coming as soon as next week, or possibly the week after. But what of Canisius, you ask?

What of them, indeed.

I haven't heard a word, despite my pleas for the expeditious release of information.

*chirp* *chirp* *chirp*


The run-up to a decision sure is exciting, folks. But it'll be a real downer if neither come through, or if I am forced to make a decision before I have all necessary information. That being said, I thank God every day that I have been given this opportunity. Many of my colleagues have not been so lucky.

Have a great weekend. Finkini is approaching 35 years old next week and he's feelin' fine.

Ciao, ragazzi!


Julie said...

No kidding Finkini is feeling fine for his birthday. He lost 20 pounds and is looking HOT!

Chris Fink said...

Owww!!!! My wife is smokin, too!