Saturday, December 23, 2006

Merry Christmas

I hope that everyone has a very merry Christmas. Here are some wishes for the Christmas season, and the New Year, for a few people/teams.

Julie: I love you - my wish for you is to be able to (someday very soon) repay the loads of the love, kindness, patience, and help you've given me in such a short, short time.

Mark: I can't say enough about what a great friend you are. I wish you stability and time to relax.

Mom: Thank you for all of the help you continue to give. I wouldn't be where I am without you, in so many ways. My wish for you is that you won't have to help me anymore ;)

Dad & Linda: Thank you for all of your help, also. My wish for you is a healthy shoulder for Linda, and many sunny days on the lake for you both.

OSU Football: A win against Florida on the big stage in Arizona, January 8th.

Montréal Canadiens: Continued outstanding play from Huet, and a 25th banner for the Bell Centre this spring.

Detroit Tigers: The next step. World Series Champs.

Lake Superior State Lakers: A strong finish to the season, a CCHA playoff championship, and a berth where you the NCAA tournament.

Glasgow Celtic FC: A long journey in the Champions League, culminating in a SECOND European title!

Indiana Hoosiers Basketball: A return to prominence in the Big 10, and a long run in the NCAA tournament. And lots of patience for Coach Sampson.

Columbus Crew: Luck.

Columbus Blue Jackets: Playoffs.

Detroit Lions: A Millen-less front office.

The fine nation of Italia: A return visit from Julie and Chris Fink.

God's blessings everyone. Merry Christmas.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

The New NHL: Tinker Toy?

This delightful news story about another proposed change in the NHL had me thinking, and hearkening back to the day when my favorite game wasn't so changeable.

Is it possible it could all be traced back to the expansion into "markets" that weren't typically thought of as hockey-hotbeds, such as San Jose, Anaheim, Miami, and Tampa Bay?

Then, there was the strike of 1992 and the lock-out of 1994. Accompanying these was the dumbing down of the division and conference names. Bye bye Prince of Wales and Clarence Cambpell. So long James Norris, Sr. and Conn Smythe. It's been fun Charles Francis Adams and Lester Patrick. You were apparently not THAT important, after all.

But that's not all....drastic changes to the rulebook were implemented as a part of the nearly apocalyptic work stoppage that caused an entire season to be lost.

Then the uniforms. Ah yes, those sacred sweaters that carry the identification of years of history and the sweat, blood, and effort of countless hockey heroes. Yes, they're going to be redesigned. And the only thing we know, at this point, is that they're going to be tight. And futuristic. Kind of a hockeyfied version of this, I fear. Ugh.

This is a great article discussing changes that could be made to make the NHL better. Interestingly, many of these changes would take the NHL back to the good days of yore.

Thing is, once you start tinkering with something, where does it stop? I don't see NEARLY the rule changes and such in other sports, and the other 3 in the "Big 4" of professional sports are much more stable. It just seems that everyone has an opinion about what would make the NHL better, and it really has to stop. It's getting so that those of us who were around before the Sharks' teal blue sweater graced the NHL's lovely rinks don't even recognize our game. It's all quite a slap in the face of long-time fans who loved the intricacies of the game, and are getting left by the roadside in an effort to appeal to a new "market" that is likely as loyal in its sports interests as a trampy secretary is to her latest fling.

Who can we blame for all of this? I think it lies squarely at the feet of the Wee Slick One (pictured at the start). Shame on you, sir.

Monday, December 18, 2006

I'm bringing Finky back!

The more I think about it, the more I should be updating this. Therapeutic? Perhaps.

I don't know how the sport side of this will progress, but I'll be on periodically to post thoughts, updates, and such.

Since the last time we (are you there?) talked, I've gotten married, the Tigers have reached the World Series, Italy has won the World Cup, Charlton Athletic have parted ways with their iconic manager, Alan Curbishley.....and a lot of other things.

Speaking of the Tigers, I just ran across this article about the old Lady, Tiger Stadium. Apparently there will be a final chance to say farewell, around the start of next season.

I'm currently applying for academic positions all around the country, but am hoping for one in particular here in Ohio. Our family life will be much easier if it works out. Prayers, thoughts, and smiles all welcome.

Just last week, the mother of one of our good friends passed away suddenly at home. Sometimes these things just get you thinking....if I can give any advice today, it'd be to cherish that which you have. You just never know when it's not going to be there any longer.

R.I.P. Mrs. Spach. God Speed.