Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Goose-Egg and Il Papa!

In the sporting world, things couldn't have been better.

Football: Off day for all of the good guys (Celtic, Charlton, Stanley, Crew).

Detroit Tigers: Beat the O's 13-3. Remember, the "hated" O's? I'm not as optimistic as the Tigers radio announcing team, who seems to think that this is a sign of things to come. Dmitri Young stole third in this one - that had to be a sight. It was a nice win, though.

NHL Playoffs: NHL 216 - Fans 0

Here's hoping we can have a repeat today.

Do the cardinals (the Roman Catholic kind) call in for pizza or something while they're locked in the Sistine Chapel? I guess if you have to be locked-in somewhere, that would be the place....and if you have to call in a Pizza order somewhere - Rome might be the place.

Oh yeah, please hurry, UPS driver! I have to leave in an hour.

Update 1: Il Papa! German Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger has been chosen as the new Pope - Pope Benedict XVI. Word is, he wasn't the choice of the liberal-leaning Catholics. The process is so interesting, though....."ain't no party like a pontiff party 'cause a pontiff party don't stop!"

Update 2: The UPS Driver didn't hurry, but our program had 20 computers delivered from Dell today. Coincidence? Very funny.

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