Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Goose-Egg and Il Papa!

In the sporting world, things couldn't have been better.

Football: Off day for all of the good guys (Celtic, Charlton, Stanley, Crew).

Detroit Tigers: Beat the O's 13-3. Remember, the "hated" O's? I'm not as optimistic as the Tigers radio announcing team, who seems to think that this is a sign of things to come. Dmitri Young stole third in this one - that had to be a sight. It was a nice win, though.

NHL Playoffs: NHL 216 - Fans 0

Here's hoping we can have a repeat today.

Do the cardinals (the Roman Catholic kind) call in for pizza or something while they're locked in the Sistine Chapel? I guess if you have to be locked-in somewhere, that would be the place....and if you have to call in a Pizza order somewhere - Rome might be the place.

Oh yeah, please hurry, UPS driver! I have to leave in an hour.

Update 1: Il Papa! German Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger has been chosen as the new Pope - Pope Benedict XVI. Word is, he wasn't the choice of the liberal-leaning Catholics. The process is so interesting, though....."ain't no party like a pontiff party 'cause a pontiff party don't stop!"

Update 2: The UPS Driver didn't hurry, but our program had 20 computers delivered from Dell today. Coincidence? Very funny.

Monday, April 18, 2005

#$^%@#$ Monday

Monday. Sometimes I think Monday should be a verb, an adjective, as well as a noun! As in:

"This is a really important task, Jenkins - don't Monday it up." or "Sally really has her Monday face going today." Finally, we could say "Honey, the cat just Mondayed all over the floor!"

A brilliant weekend can be almost erased by the attitudes of a Monday, it seems. Streams of consciousness aside, let's take a look at the sports weekend for Finkini, shall we?

Glasgow Celtic: 3-2 win at home vs. Aberdeen. My buddy Bobby was probably "Mondaying" his pants until Celtic scored 3 unanswered to beat the sheep. WHEW!

Charlton Athletic: A bit of dissonance in SE7, it seems. Mr. Curbishley, why are we losing so much at the end of the campaign....AGAIN? Funny how this always happens when it's time to renew the season ticket book. And yet the club rolls on. Call it a loss to the fatman's Trotters. Bolton 2 CAFC 1. At the Valley. Ugh.

Accrington Stanley: A 2-1 loss vs. Woking almost negates any chances of moving out of the Nationwide Conference and into League 2. So much for seeing my wee club on a PS2 game (at least for one more year).

Columbus Crew: Fridays with Freddy? Neat-o! Crew win 1-0 on what, by all reports, was a stellar effort by Crew 'keeper Jon Busch. Must have been - I've heard the DC offense is pretty potent.

NHL Playoffs: NHL 215 - Fans 0.

Detroit Tigers: 2 Wins 1 Loss vs. the Royals. Anytime you can take a series against these clowns, it's a good weekend. Next up: Baltimore - let's sweep them, k?!?

By the way, the cardinals (the Roman Catholic ones) start voting on a new Pope today.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

WTF is with Danny Kolb?

So I subscribed to the MLB.com audio service, which allows you to listen to any MLB game you want. It's only something like 15 bucks for the entire season, and it's my proxy for cable TV right now. So on a Sunday night, there's one game left on the slate, and it's Braves vs. Phillies. Pitchers duel to the utmost.

Then this guy comes in and single-handedly craps the bed. Who, you ask? Danny Kolb. This sort of incompetence would get most people fired, but he'll be back to pitch another day, I suppose.

Let's do the math, shall we? Mr. Kolb makes $3,400,000 per year. As a closer, that equates to something like $22,000 per inning, or (a very conservatively calculated) $755 per pitch. Yes, per pitch!

As a point of reference, the average teacher's starting salary right now? Around $29,000. Where do I apply for the Braves closer job???



It'll be interesting to see how this thing progresses. Of course, I have enough going on that should pre-empt my participation in something like this, but there are so many things each day that I find interesting, I guess I thought you might too. Narcissism? Maybe - but here goes!