Friday, July 27, 2007

Moving Tip:


Friday, July 20, 2007

(Almost) Everyone is Flawed

We all have our flaws, it seems. Some have flaws that are so minuscule that only they can see them (my wife being one of these fine folks).

Suffice it to say that others (like me) have a few extra flaws.

But this isn't about us. This is about our cats. We have two of them, both with flaws (and one with claws, but we'll get to that later).

Meet Bella:

Don't let the cute pose fool you. Bella is a seriously flawed 1 year-old Maine Coon mut, a "Beautiful Wreck" in the immortal words of Shawn Mullins. She is cute and cuddly one minute, and a complete nutter the next. It very well could be that these flaws are the reason she's so lovable.

Bella does NOT have claws.

Meet Penny:

Penny is a 10 year-old Burmese mix that will do anything to please us. She tolerates Bella most of the time, and LOVES people. And people love Penny back. She's the cat for which non cat-people make an exception to their dogma.

Penny has claws.

I am writing this blog tonight because I am fustrated with Penny. Despite having claws, Penny rarely uses them on anything (except Bella). She doesn't scratch furniture, dig at doorways, or mark her territory in any way. Except carpet. Penny has an odd affinity for one particular spot on the stairway to the basement. And she digs. And digs. And we scold. And yell. And she digs.

If I didn't know better, I'd think she was like Andy Dufresne in Shawshank Redemption, slowly digging her way to freedom, scattering small shards of carpet about the house during her "yard-time." I've asked her about her "Mexican Hideaway" but she just gives me on odd look. Over the last few weeks, it's as if she knows we're leaving her Shawshank behind for a better prison just north of here, and wants to see what is at the end of her digging. Here's hoping she doesn't find out.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Yo, Fabrizio! What It Do?

So, yeah. It's been a while without updates. Here's the rundown:

1. I passed my dissertation defense.

2. I submitted the research to a professional journal for publication.

3. I've been teaching a course at OSU, which is almost over.

4. We've found a renter for our condo.

5. We're getting ready to close on a house.

6. We are packing for the move (barf).

7. I got a dream vehicle, a Vespa LX150. It is brilliant.

So, that's what has been going on! More updates to come :)